The Powerful and Captivating Poetry of Nina Simone

Nina Simone, known as the High Priestess of Soul, was not only an extraordinary singer, pianist, and civil rights activist but also a profound poet. Through her poetic expression, she articulated her deepest emotions, reflections, and social commentaries, intertwining her words with her soulful voice and mesmerizing melodies. Simone's poems are a testament to her immense talent, introspection, and unwavering pursuit of justice and equality. In this article, we will delve into the captivating world of Nina Simone's poetry and explore a selection of her thought-provoking verses.

  1. Discovering Nina Simone's Verses
    1. Poem: "The Pusher"
    2. Poem: "Revolution"
    3. Poem: "On Longing"

Discovering Nina Simone's Verses

Although Simone is primarily celebrated for her musical achievements, her written poetry showcases a different facet of her artistic genius. From personal experiences to racial inequality and the longing for freedom, Simone's poems capture the human experience in all its complexities. The power of her words resonates with readers, just as her music continues to resonate with listeners.

Poem: "The Pusher"

The pusher
is a poet
a soul poet
he's a pusher &
I'm his soul poet
he's gonna take you now
a soul trip
he's gonna make you move
when you're sad
he's gonna make you glad
he's gonna change you, rearrange you
and take you
down deep ballad
to the valley of song
he's a pusher
and I'm his soul poet

Poem: "Revolution"

Hello, I'm Nina Simone
and this is a song about revolution
that will soon take place in America
because we talk about a revolution
in the streets
yes we talk about a revolution
in the schools
in the markets
in the courtroom
in the White House too, honey
well, we're gonna have a revolution
that starts with the mind
yeah, we're gonna have a revolution
that'll change the tide
we're gonna have a revolution
yes, a revolution in America
so watch out, honey
the revolution's coming
it's coming, it's coming
change your heart, change your mind
change your soul
because the revolution's coming
and it's time, it's time

Poem: "On Longing"

I long for freedom
like a caged bird yearning for the sky
I long for justice
like the moon pleading with the stars for light
I long for equality
like the ocean seeking unity with the shore
I long for peace
like a desert mirage thirsting for a drop of rain
I long, I long, I long...
for a world where love triumphs over hate
and freedom dances with justice hand in hand
where equality blooms and peace reigns supreme
I long, I long, I long...
and my longing will drive the revolution of hearts

Nina Simone's poetry sparks a fire of passion and activism within the hearts of those who encounter it. Her words serve as a reminder of the power of art to give voice to the oppressed, to challenge societal norms, and to inspire change. As we absorb the depth and intensity of Simone's poetic verses, we are invited to reflect on our own place in the fight for justice and equality. Like her music, Simone's poetry continues to ignite conversations and provoke emotions, leaving an indelible mark on the souls of all who encounter it.

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